Wonder Woman Wednesdays: Fatima B.

BY 12.31.69 07:00:00PM


fatima b head shot 2 Wonder Woman Wednesdays: Fatima B.magine you are sitting in a comfy plush chair, in your favorite coffee shop, curled up with a great mocha frappuccino and your favorite high fashion magazine. This is your special time to relax, unwind from the hard work week, and look at amazing outfits. As you open the book and start to turn the pages you gasp only to see outfits that look like your three year old cousin picked them out and your grandmother styled them. Yes folks this is how the world would be without fashion stylists…a scary place!
Having an eye for styles and colors that will compliment someone’s shape and even personality is a true gift! Fatima B. is definitely one of those gifted and creative stylists. She took a few moments from her busy fabulous life to chat with us.

Honey: When did you first know that you wanted to be a fashion stylist and what was your inspiration?
In 2007, I was working at an accounting firm but it wasn’t what I really wanted to do. I was asking friends for advice, trying to figure out what I wanted to do as a career and a friend of mine had said she thought I should get into fashion because she thought I had a good sense of style. She referred me for an internship position with a stylist and I got the job on the spot! I’ve always loved the art of fashion and seeing what designers were doing each season, so it’s worked out well.

What stylist did you work under when you first got started and how did that influence you as a stylist?
I started assisting 50 Cent’s stylist, Mia Quinn, and I learned a lot from her, especially on the business side. That was my first internship and I was lucky enough to work with a stylist who had an A- list client. It was non-stop work from day one and I definitely embraced all the challenges and I feel completely prepared for all that’s to come.

We heard that you are working with Nicki Minaj. How did you get the opportunity to work with her? Is her personality just as vibrant off camera as she is on camera?
I did the Right on! Magazine Barbie inspired photo shoot with Nicki a few months ago which is how we first met. It was a huge success and got a lot of great feed back. Nicki liked my work and gave me the opportunity to work with her on another project not too far after. Nicki has a great personality! The thing I love most about working with Nicki is that she loves standing out and taking chances so it allows me to get creative with her.

How did you land the position as a Fashion Director for Black Beat and Right On! Magazines at such a young age?
I’m completely blessed to be working with one of the longest standing teen publications. I grew up reading Right On! Magazine and now I’m styling it! Former associate editor Georgette Cline had seen some photos from a test shoot that I previously had done and was really impressed with my work and passed my info along to the Editor In Chief at Right On! who gave me the opportunity. We’ve had an amazing working relationship since then.

What advice do you have for an aspiring entertainment stylist? What steps should they take?
Firstly you should definitely have a passion for fashion and understand that dressing clients is hard work. Start with interning, take as much information in as possible while you’re there, have a strong reliable team, research, research, research! Read blogs, buy fashion magazines, stay on top of trends. You have to master your craft.

Where do you see yourself next year?
I’m working on starting my own glam agency with my partner and manager called The Tea Cup Group. It’s a baby right now but the goal is to have it off the ground and up and running by next year. Tea Cup Group will represent the hottest hair stylists, make-up artists, wardrobe stylists, and photographers.

What was your first job ever?
My first job in fashion was working at NYC based boutique Lim Passe, I was handling window visuals.

What is the best advice anyone ever gave you?
Stay humble. Stay true to yourself and always go with your gut feeling!

How do you balance work life and personal time?
There’s no such thing as a personal life right now

What are five things you can’t live without?

1. My Blackberry

2. Starbucks (White chocolate Mocha with whipped cream)

3. My I-pod

4. Family

5. Friends.

The job market is pretty scary right now. Many of us know the basics but can you give us five tips of personal success armor that people need to wear to their next job interview? What will REALLY make someone stand out?
First and foremost make sure you walk with a smile and the right attitude. If you walk in feeling confident like you’ve got the job, chances are you’ll get it. As for attire, if you’re going for an interview within the corporate environment, [you could wear] a tall black heel, black slacks or a pencil skirt matched with a nicely fitted colored or printed blouse with a fabulous bag. This will definitely help you stand out. If you’re applying for a job in fashion, research the employers fashion philosophy first, but my suggestion would be to pick one stand out piece (shoes, bag, etc). A classic A – line dress with a nicely fitted black blazer matched with a tall heel but always remember less is more!

Where can people find out more about your work?
My website www.fatimab.com or you can always follow my fashionable moves on Twitterwww.twitter.com/timafbaby.

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